Posture doesn’t matter.

There is so much talk about posture. 

 Your 4th grade teacher scolded you for it.

Your doctor or physio warn you about it.

Companies sell you straps, bras, chairs and t-shirts to magically fix it.


But does your posture actually matter?


Actually no. 

But secretly, yes.


Let me explain (and give you a free offer below):

 The surprising truth is that despite all the warnings and culture around good and bad posture, there is no clear understanding in the scientific research as to whether poor posture causes pain.


Systematic meta-analysis' of thousands of studies on posture are inconclusive as to whether poor posture causes lower back pain. Some studies have found an association, others have not, and all in all there is no agreed upon explanation for what actually causes lower back pain.


These findings have caused physical therapists in the know to conclude that there is no proof that posture causes pain, so posture doesn't matter at all.


Seems logical. 


But there's two HUGE misunderstandings:

 1. Good posture is a coordination, not a position.

2. Poor posture compromises your breathing (which means it compromises your nervous system, cardiac health, digestion, sleep, energy & mental focus)


Want to see what I mean?


Try this common posture advice with me:

  • Sit or stand up straight

  • Hold your head over your hips

  • Roll your shoulders back and pin them together

  • Engage your core

  • Use your legs to hold you up try to take a deep breath.


CAN you?  It probably feels terrible, so release that holding. 


If good posture involves adding tension and impairing your breathing, it isn't good. 


But when posture is studied, researchers only look at position. 


This ignores the fact that if you held all of those posture cues you'd have "good posture" in the study, even though you'd feel tense, and if sustained for a while, in pain.


So if you think good posture is about HOLDING a position, it will not fix your pain. 


It will probably make it worse.


But here's the good news:


When you improve your coordination (which is what I help with using the Alexander Technique) the position maters less and your pain reduces dramatically.


That's why the British Medical Journal found that Alexander Technique significantly improves lower back pain, remains effective one year later and is more effective than standard care or massage therapy.


It also improves your breathing. 


This study found that by improving your coordination with Alexander Technique sessions, you improve your lung function & breath capacity.


So you can stop worrying about sitting up straight because your position isn't what matters most.


Better coordination = less pain & improved breathing.


Want to improve yours?


I'm now offering a free intro AT session to anyone in NYC or Sullivan county, NY so you can experience it firsthand.


Sign up HERE and experience the freedom and ease of reduced tension and improved coordination.


My name is Kevin and I want to help you live a more intentional, resilient life.


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